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Teaching Reading with YA Literature--produced by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)--is a wonderful resource for teachers interested in using YAL in the classroom. It provides
    - a multifaceted view of text complexity
    - a strong rationale for why to use YAL in ELA classrooms
    - countering critiques of YAL as substandard literature
    - how to choose good YAL texts
    - case studies of excellent use of YAL in ELA classrooms

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Teaching Young Adult Literature Today introduces the reader to what is current and relevant in the plethora of good books available for adolescents. More importantly, literary experts illustrate how teachers everywhere can help their students become lifelong readers by simply introducing them to great reads--smart, insightful, and engaging books that are specifically written for adolescents.

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Cynthia Leitich Smith, aka The Goddess of YA Literature, has an excellent website that provides a wealth of resources for teachers and parents.

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Text Messages, a podcast hosted on the excellent website ReadWriteThink, provides in-depth conversations with authors and pedagogues about young adult books.

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   Additional Resources for Teaching YAL  

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